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Volunteering in a Digital World

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This thread is in reference to the Volunteering in a Digital World on-demand session.

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for watching our presentation. I just wanted to let you all know that Cecilia and myself will checking in on the forum throughout the weekend to see if anyone has any questions! We're happy to connect with you here or via email.

Thanks for the great information! One question, of the program suggestions from your volunteers, how many were turned into actual programs? Any noticeable increase in engagement with those designed by your volunteers?

Quote from sandybecky on November 6, 2021, 12:14 pm

Thanks for the great information! One question, of the program suggestions from your volunteers, how many were turned into actual programs? Any noticeable increase in engagement with those designed by your volunteers?

You're so welcome! Our library unfortunately has not returned to in-person programming so a lot of our programs from our first summer haven't been used yet but between those in-person ideas from last summer and our virtual programs submitted this summer, we found that teens were actually unknowingly creating programs we were already offering.

One example is that we started an Adulting 101 series on our YouTube channel geared toward teens and new adults, which quite a few teens had created as their virtual program. The Adulting 101 series is one of our most-viewed series on that channel. So I think this highlighted for us that making teens aware of what we're offering is actually one of our greater challenges, not the offerings themselves necessarily.